51¸£ÀûÉç uses Cayuse IRB to process applications for review by the Institutional Review Board. Please see below for information about registration, user guides, and training.
Registering for Lindenwood Cayuse IRB
- Register as a new User of Cayuse IRB. (Applicants will need to complete their CITI training and have a copy of their training certificate on hand to upload to this registration form.)
- Your registration will process within 24-48 hours.
Logging into Lindenwood Cayuse IRB
- .
- Use your Lindenwood email address and password, with the first two characters of your user name capitalized (UName@lindenwood.edu).
- Click on "Cayuse IRB" on the left hand side.
- If you receive an error message, please send a screenshot to the IRB Director. We will then be able to update your username accordingly.
Using Cayuse IRB
Here are some visual guides for:
- Creating a New Study
- Responding to Reviewer Questions and Comments
- Selecting Investigators, Co-Investigators, and Research Team Members
- Adding Attachments
- Selecting Submission Types
- Accessing Approval Letters
Please contact the IRB Office to schedule:
- Division or Department training sessions
- Group or Lab training sessions
- Individual training sessions
Contact Info
Laura Wehmer-Callahan
Director, Research
Contact Info
Office for Research and Creative Activity (ORCA)
Library and Academic Resources Center (LARC), Suite 333
Academic Community Engagement
Contact Info
Laura Wehmer-Callahan
Director, Research
Contact Info
Office for Research and Creative Activity (ORCA)
Library and Academic Resources Center (LARC), Suite 333